Monday, August 13, 2012

Going to the Fair!

Good Afternoon,

I have been writing, knitting, working on a new video,  I have an opportunity to place some of my things in the LA County Fair!  The thought of it all just amazes me. 

One of my sister instructors at is going out to LA this year.  She and her husband used to live in California, and they would be there every year, but now they have to travel.  She at first asked me to knit a hat for her, a commissioned piece, and I said yes.  Then she invited me to share my patterns and any kits I might have to travel with her to LA where she would place them for sale.

This morning I had a meeting with Matt, my photographer and web designer,  We then began a check list of items that would have to be worked on.  At present count, there are five patterns that will go.  One of them will need a video link embedded to clarify a technique I use.  I tried shooting the video this morning, but was unhappy with the results.  I will try again tomorrow.

There will also be one kit to be made up....that is if the fiber gets here in time for me to break it down into kit form.  This is for the Petal Face Cloth and the fiber comes from Vermont.  Keeping my fingers crossed as I only have 1 1/2 weeks to prepare everything. Plus the knitting that has to be done as I am sending along some finished Face Cloths as well.

And on top of that, have a baby garment and hat to finish by mid week, a private class on Wednesday afternoon and my usual class on Saturday morning.   I feel like I  have been caught up in a whirl wind of things, but so excited about all the possibilities.

I will wrap this up, keep you all informed of how things go.  I created a checklist of things to do and I have accomplished three of them today. Oh, so many to go!

Have a great rest of the afternoon, and Happy Knitting!

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