Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kid Stuff

Good Afternoon,

How many of you enjoy knitting "kid stuff"?  This can range from infants to middle school and includes items like blankets, clothing, toys and on and on. 

Many of you know that I learned to knit from my Great Aunt Zelda.  She was a school teacher and loved to knit and share her knitting  with others.  I can remember her saying that she would only knit for kids, my word, children, her word.  That is because adult sweaters took too long.  There were many of us in the family, so not only were there many sweaters knit, but also that same number were passed around from child to child.

She had me knitting when I was about seven years old.  My favorite projects as I remember was knitting for my dolls, scarves, and hats.  As I got older and into middle school, I started knitting sweaters, mittens, as well as some simple designing as well.  I began knitting for my siblings as well as myself.  Once in high school, I began making some money from my knitting by selling to my friends.

Back to knitting for kids.  What kind of yarn for what  type of project should be used.  There are as many thoughts on this subject as there are knitters I believe.  The possibilities of what type of material used is endless.  100% wool, a blend, super wash, cotton, cotton blend, just to name a very few.  All of us have our favorites.  My personal favorite is wool.  There are so many wonderful, soft wools available today.  Not like when I was growing up.  The wool seemed to be a short staple length and prickly like Shetland.

Most of the things I have knit for my grand kids have been wool or wool blends.  There have been some super wash varieties thrown in for good measure.  Unless the dog decides to take a chunk from the knitted items, they are out grown before they wear out.  Then become the process of passing around the family.

What are your favorite fibers for kids.  What are your favorite projects to knit for kids.  Do you prefer to knit toys or a sweater.  I would love to hear from you.  Leave a comment in the box or share a comment on my FB Fan Page:  http://www.facebook.com/#!/YouAndMeKnit

Hope to hear from you soon!  I would love to share projects with everyone.

Have a nice rest of the afternoon and Happy Knitting!

P. S. Here is one of the grand kids hats that I love to knit:

This is the "Wiggle Hat".  I made matching blue and white for JT and Mason this past winter and JT decided to call it his wiggle hat.  The name stuck.  His Mom asks him to go get it and that's the one he brings back, how could I not use that?

Anyway, I would love to hear your comments and see your photos.

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