Thursday, May 31, 2012

Knitting by the River

Beautiful sunshine today and the cooler temperature is so conducive to knitting out doors. Being surrounded by nature; smells, sounds and the sun's warm rays diffused by the sun, my hands want to knit but my mind is wandering around collecting bits of this and that for new projects. Sometimes I stop to take notes and sometimes not, the latter always seems elusive in my mind days later. Believe me, recall is not all it's cracked up to be!

On many Saturday teaching days in the past, my class and I would gather at the river and enjoy a couple of hours of knitting and social time. Many times the needles would be idle for a few minutes as we watch children playing on the playground, boats, and the catering company setting up for the afternoon wedding reception.

This brings me to Matt, and his wonderful eye for photography (see more of his work at When I started talking with Matt about building my website and providing the photography for my designs and patterns he surprised me with my knits being shot out doors. His wonderful idea has made the appearance so pleasing that I formulated a plan to shoot my technique videos out doors as well.

Well, it will be interesting to see if this works since nature and some humans just do not conform to the perfect scene that I envision. I went down to the river on Tuesday this week and made an attempt. I have to finish the editing and hopefully post to YouTube in a day or so. I am by no means a "techie" so many thanks to Matt.

I wish you all a wonderful, productive day no matter what your plans are. There can't be a proper end without a message from JT. He just finished a snack of crackers and peanut butter with a water chaser. "Uh oh Nanny, I need more water please." I am busy talking with all of you, so I told him that it was OK to fill his own glass at the water cooler. He comes back to tell me "I big boy now, I get mines own water by mines self !"

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