Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Knitting With My Grandson

Monday through Friday I care for my two youngest Grandsons while their parents are at work. They are ages 2-1/2 and 1. Most mornings after arriving, JT, the 2-1/2 year old asks about my "knitting box".  My usual answer is "after your brother goes in for his morning nap."   This interaction has happened frequently enough that when I ask JT what he has to wait for, his reply is "Mason night night".

JT has been involved with my knitting for about a year now. He would sit on my lap while I knit and hold the ball of yarn and pull out some yardage as it was needed.  Of course, it was on the floor and being retrieved more times than I can recall and I really didn't get much accomplished. But, it was good quality sharing time.

As JT grew and he started talking he was able to recognize and name my tools of the trade, yarn, knitting needles, markers, scissors, tape measure, and basket, to name a few. He always looked forward to knitting time with Nanny.

As his vocabulary increased and he could manage simple conversation, his most common words at the time was "you and me now"? He said this every time I would go from room to room, out on the porch or upstairs. That simple question inspired my website....youandmeknit.com. He has also named one of my hats as well.

JT continues to inquire about my knitting when I arrive at the house, but now it is my "knitting box" that he is interested in. It is a small heart shaped tin box that his older brother, now 11, used to teethe on when he was a baby. Now JT has learned to take the top off without spilling the contents. He separates the markers, his favorite ones are the purple and green rubbery ones by Bryson, from the few buttons and folding scissors. 

When his brother, Mason, wakes from his nap he piles everything back in the box and is able to put the lid on all by himself. He tells me "here Nanny, put away now". It is so nice to share with him my passion for yarn and creating things. Hopefully when he is older he will give knitting a try.

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