Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So Much Knitting News!

Good Afternoon,

The first week of "EZ's" A-B-C-SJ, went quite well.  Still have more sign ups to accommodate.  The yarn choices were wonderful, colorful, and a host of other "ful ending words".  There were 2 students last Wednesday and 4 on Saturday. 

Now for the other exciting news!  I just came back from the Post Office and mailed off my submission to Interweave Knits Sockupied 2013.   I spent an hour or so getting together the paper work, filling out the form, and typing up the submission.  I did knit a full size sock instead of just a swatch. 

The sock design is a sport type sock (short) like you would wear with gym or running shoes.  The sock features 2 X 2 ribs, a small short row section after the ribbing that elevates the back of the heel slightly which helps prevent that "slide down into your shoe syndrome".  The heel shaping is short rows as well.  Then, down the foot to the beginning of the toe box.  I like to leave this a little wider than many socks allow for.  The reason being, there is plenty of room to wiggle those piggies inside your shoe.

The best part is the yarn.  I used Cascade "Fixation" which is 98.3% Cotton and 1.7% Elastic.  This is a wonderful material to use especially for my targeted market for Interweave.  The submission is for the Diabetic community as well as for those who have difficulty with edema in the lower extremities.  The yarn having elastic, will stretch without cutting into the circulatory system of the lower legs.  The wider toe box, as mentioned above, is roomy and will not pinch or irritate sensitive toes.  And as all you knitters know, the toes are completed with Kitchener Stitch.  No seams.  When I was wearing commercial socks, I would have to turn them inside out to put the seam on the outside and away from  my skin.  This seaming technique does away with this problem. 

I had to do a sketch.  I do not sketch....very bad.  So I did my best and then wrote all the dimensions for the finished sock.  I wish that I could draw better, but one of my daughters has that talent, not me.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't an automatic disqualify. 

Sorry I didn't have a blog post yesterday, but was just to tired and  I was afraid it would be gibberish.  I only had an hour of sleep Sunday before going to work at 12:00 am Monday morning.  I beg forgiveness.

I had to watch the boys this morning, and my daughter was telling me that they had their first "slap boxing episode" recently. They stood facing each other and in little boy aggression, they were open hand slapping at each other (32 months and 15 months).  I had all I could do to not chuckle the visual in my mind's eye was so funny.  Tis only the beginning.

Have a wonderful rest of the day and Happy Knitting!

P.S.  My You And Me Knit Fan Page is up, though not completed.  Take a moment to stop by and "Like" my page.  Thanks!

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