Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Knitting Books and Magazines

Good Morning!

Another beautiful day in New York, sunny and in the 80's.

When I get a new knitting book or magazine, I can't help but to sit down with a cup of coffee and post it notes and a note book.  I don't know about you, but the first thing I do is to go page by page salivating over the wonderful new designs.  I stick post it notes on the the favorites and jot down some notes in my note book.  I used to think that I would remember things, but have come to discover it just doesn't happen that way.  So, I have a notebook and pen or pencil nearby to write some ideas in, prioritize knitting projects or just to remember a design feature that I might use in my own knitting projects.  Of course, these are lettered or  numbered to correspond with the post it notes.  It is only then that I go back and read all the articles, marking some of them as well.

Looking back at past magazines, these notes and noted places in my magazines might be called my dream board for lack of something better.  I am always thinking about the next piece that I want to knit and what fiber might not only be suitable but one that will be simply delicious to wear, but usually what comes off the needles goes to someone else. 

I am always on the lookout for some unusual stitch, pattern, or color combination.  There are always designs that just scream knit me.  How can you refuse, or ignore such a demand?  I know that I can't, not for very long anyway.  Even though my days become filled, that noted page still beckons with that voice.  You know the one.  Knit me, Knit me, Knit me. 

It doesn't take much more persuasion to find oneself in the LYS hunting for just the right fiber in just the right color so you might begin on that gauge swatch, and then the real knitting.  The voice that was so relentless before now is still and content. 

Now the question.   How many of those little voices fill you're mind at one time?  And, when there are multiples of Knit me, which one do you choose to knit first.  Like many knitters, I have multiple projects in progress at all times.  But what if you find yourself to be one of the knitters that only work on one at a time. I am envious in a way, wondering how this is done, because there are the projects that are just right for traveling, shopping, sitting at home, ball games, etc.  Don't forget the movies, concerts and school board meetings.  All things knit have a particular niche where they like to be worked on.

So, mark the pages, take the notes, and line up those projects.  Have a great day and Happy Knitting!

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