Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Steamy Weather Perfect for Knitting

Good Morning!  Happy Summer Solstice!

We are currently under a heat advisory in the Northeast and for most of the East Coast.  So the hatches have been battened down, the AC is running and kids are playing inside.  This heat will seem to go on and on since this is the longest day of the year.  The boys will have a short splash in the pool before nap time, an Ahhhh moment I'm sure.

For many knitters, the summer brings many outdoor activities, gardening, boating, hiking, etc.  Some outdoor activities are not really conducive for knitting due to the heat and humidity.  But, on a day such as today and tomorrow, also to be a scorcher, there is AC.  We will all be inside to beat the heat.  Knitting now becomes the perfect indoor activity.

This is especially true if you are knitting small projects like socks, baby things, and light weight shawls. Take your knitting to the movies, those inches of plain knitting is a perfect opportunity to get caught up and it really isn't much different from being home watching TV. 

I always seem to have something to knit wherever I go.  Even the grocery store is a perfect venue especially when that line seems to drag on endlessly.  Those few items in the carts in front of yours suddenly take on a whole new perspective when the line stalls and you are there "forever".  When you have your knitting to distract the ticking clock, noisy kids, and the loud speaker you can leave the food store calmer and more stress free.

When my kids were young, I would take them to the pool at the campsite and my Mom and I would sit with our cocktails, she crocheting and I would be knitting.  What a great afternoon we would have.  The kids were happy until adult swim time, and then they got to sit out while Mom and I would spend our "adult time" cooling off.  We always packed snacks for them to have while they sat out and  it was more bearable for them.

I will sometimes knit or use my drop spindle when I go for a walk.  When I'm at the park along the river, even though it is hot, there is usually a great breeze coming from the water to you cool off. 

On a rainy Saturday...check out your LYS for a great summer class to take.  Now is a great time to get started on those Holiday gifts.  You can start a sweater now and and finish up the bulk of the knitting when the weather breaks and it gets cooler. 

I have a few minutes to knit before Mason wakes from his nap.  Stay cool and Happy Knitting!

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